Tuesday, September 02, 2008

That last post!

Holy God, the future is a strange thing!

I had little idea when writing the last post about leaving a philisophy to your kids, that little over a week later I'd be in a coma and having priests giving me the last rites.

Thankfully (I really mean that) I'm well on the road to normality and I don't appear to have anything ultrapermanent wrong, so my girls can feel the slight relief of having to put up with me for some years to come.

The philisophy is not as platitudinous as I would have feared, my current thoughts are

Appreciate things as much as possible, be careful what you take for granted.
Life is a combination of choices and chance, and we only have control over the choices.
The middle ground works a bit, overdoing something is not a good idea, but neither is neglecting it completely.

oh and pass no heed on those who are lifes "experts"