Monday, April 24, 2006

Holiday hangovers!

am having problems with blogger today..... have just returned from my holidays, it always takes me a while to get my momentum going again once i've had a break for christmas or illness or holidays or whatever.

we all had a really good time, i enjoyed the disney thing although 2 more days of it and i'd have gone mad. It's strange talking to people this morning how everyone has thier down thoughts, was watching the sopranos over the weekend and tony says to ms melfie, "hey, gloom is your business and business is good" i find it strange that everybody has thier pain, i suppose all can appear perfect for a piece of time, you win the lotto, or get great grades, or meet someone new, but it seems to be a fact of life that doubt or pain will inevitably come back and settle in...

I somewhat flippiantly said in my profile that i am happy 51% of the time which is the most anyone can hope for, but today i think that 51% is a bloody good aspiration.

it's very rare that i ever feel 100% happy, maybe fleeting moments looking at sleeping children, or watching a football match or something, where there is no space for any thought other than the happy thought. it's also very rare that i feel 0% totally devestated, therefore i think my life largely vascillates between 49% and 51% and the important thing for me to remember is that no matter how good or bad i feel at any time, i'm only 2% away from the opposite feeling, and that in time that feeling will come to me, or even better maybe there is something i can do about it.

Seligman claims that appreciation is the key to crossing that divide, if you can appreciate the many wonderful things in life rather than focussing on all that's wrong, it will bring about a shift back to the 51% of the equation, so that's the plan for the rest of the day, try to focus on whats well rather than what's broke.

it's good to be back.
it's good that we had a great time
it's good to be working in the business i always wanted to work in
it's good to have this lovely family
it's good to have lots of good friends
it's just good

jaysus i feel better already.......