Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Why am I so Gloomy

Am sitting here wondering what the hell is wrong with me.

Ive just gotten my new car.
Ive had a new patio built.
We had the lovliest holiday

and yet i feel really gloomy, is it being back at work, is it all the money i spent, im not sure.

A friend asked me today about all the dreams I had when I was starting this business, and I have to admit, Im not spending enough time doing work that really inspires me, Im taking the work that pays best and have been for the last number of months.

I think I have the balance wrong, I want t0o get in around the schools and the sports stuff again, I know i have to do all the other stuff to pay the bills (and I really enjoy it too) its just that there is no buzz as good as pushing the edges, and to be fair i have been playing safe for too long now.

so this Autumn is the pushing the boat out season.

I will keep you posted on here.

I really enjoyed the break, the Aran Islands are lovely and we got smashing weather.

Now back to that boat pushing