Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Tipping Point

You could do a lot worse than read this book, Its been a while since I read it, but since that time I have noticed that the explanations in the book explain a lot of stuff in my own life.

A tipping point is a bit like the straw that broke the camels back, except that a tipping point can work both ways,

For example, when things are going badly and one more bad thing happens, then that extra thing can tipp the balance and help you to start doing something to help yourself, 12 step programmes call this "rock bottom" thats one end of the scale.

At the other end of the scale things can be going so well, that we almost lose the run of ourselves, and then we can push some form of self destruct button (probably cos we dont really feel we "deserve" to have things going that well in the first place) and tipp the scales that send us back to bad form again.

It is like sitting in an untidy room reading a book, at some point the room is going to become just untidy enough that you cannot stick it any longer and actually get your arse up and tidy the place (that last teacup was the tipping point)

Or someone in a relationship that is going so bloody well that it just has to be tested, so it is.... everybody has thier tipping points.

Mine are a bit far apart...... i move from place to place fairly slowly, things getting better and better slowly until I am compelled to throw a spanner in the works......and when I do...I will wallow for a while in the self pity and misery until it gets bad enough to actually get up and do something about it, then I am back onto a roll again.....things getting better and better until.....

it is an interesting book......well worth a read.....why small things really really matter!