Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Can't speak.....

am in the middle of a most interesting experiment, was on my feet all day today, my throat is full of razor blades and it kills me to speak...thus i shall try to get through the next day while speaking a little as humanely possible. this will be interesting for me as i am one of the greatest yappers in history.

I realise that a big change in my life in the last few years has been around the areas of endurance, courage, stickability, persistance and not giving up so easy. it would have been possible to not work today, but self employment through a conbination of fear, ambition and nescessity forces me to stretch myself and be there on days when i don't feel like it... thus i had the experience of getting up with hangovers before christmas and having to work (as opposed to staying in bed) and this week i have had the experience of forcing myself to do my duty rather than taking the easy way out... it's a major change from ringing in sick and getting a cert.

however it is still hugely important to take care of myself and not to overdo it... (ah yeah..laugh away) so over the next day or two i am taking a vow of virtual silence and am going to rest up and catch up on some writing and tendersw and stuff i need to do.

Did you recognise Sharon?..... Jesus does she look good for her age
