Wednesday, December 20, 2006

what's the difference?

The last week or two has been amazing for me.... have had so many ideas springing up that sometimes i can't keep up, this post is a attempt to figure out another one.

our biggest fear, doubt, insecurity is being found out, of people discovering what we feel we are "really like" we think that if people could really see us, if we were exposed, that people might be shocked, and we might be laughed at, humiliated, ridiculed or ostracised.

the space between the person we show to others, and how we think we really are is a massive determinant of how safe and secire we feel in our lives. this has a lot to do with how much "pretending" we do and how we "really" feel about ourselves.

when that gap is narrow, either by lowering our pretending or by feeling better about ourselves, we feel safe and confident.

but when it's a big GAP, either by us feeling terrible about ourselves, or by expecting huge amounts from ourselves, then we feel insecure, doubtful, worried and plain bloody terrified about ourselves.

success is not about cars, or bars or even stars!

confidence and success is about believing, really believing who the we are..... and being brave enough to authentically present that to the world.... there will always be a difference, but we have the choice of whether it's a small difference, or a gaping chasm... if it's one of those then all the recognition, awards, material stuff and crap in the world won't make a blind feckin bit of difference.

be brave