Thursday, March 23, 2006

Control what i can!

God it's been a topsy turvy and frustrating week,
I love to be in control and i hate it when I don't have any, I hate it when there's nothing else to do but wait, I bloody have to be at something, and right now i'm not to hot at relaxing!

I get frustrated at myself for never quite figuring out what to call the programmes I deliver, I have various names for the different, but i still feel i'm missing out on creating a "difference" between me and others in the market.

I have to find that uniqueness, that thing that sets me apart, that reason why people will want to deal with me rather than who ever tries to sell to them, what is it that sets me apart, what can i do to empahsise that difference, I'm not the first to deal with sales, management, personal development, goal setting, comunication skills, coaching and the like, but i do have a unique mix and way of putting these things across, i just don't know how to describe it in a way that will set me apart.