Saturday, March 25, 2006

the lovely long lazy saturdays

Am bang in the middle of a lovely day, it's saturday, I had a really good dream (no secrets divulged) last night so i awoke with a smile on my face, got up, went to the farmers orgasmic market, got the car washed, (fuck have i not got the most exciting life?) played basketball with cathy for an hour, read the times, ate a big cherry muffin, and now i'm fucking about surfing stuff and updating this blog yoke.

Was reading a sopranos site and apparently miss melfie has diagnosed tony as a sociopath... they must be everywhere those sociopaths, i did an online test to see if i am one too but dissapointingly i'm just a normal average mick..... it would be exciting to have something like that to describe meself, currently i can be described as man, dad, player, coach, husband, fecker, tosser, gobshite, lunatic, friend, chairman, supporter and many many more, but none of them have as many letters or are as exciting as sociopath.... maybe i should take a different test?