Thursday, March 02, 2006

I never want to grow up!

As I get a bit older it seems to me that I have a fierce fear of getting a bit bland, of even becoming beige, losing the edge, getting a bit predictable.
I need an edge to keep me feeling alive, to feel vibrant I want to have the potential for pretty much anything going on in my life.
I don't really do "safe" very well and I have been doing safe and careful and secure for a fair while now. THe business is going really well, all my relationships are in good nick, my head is straight, money is plentiful, and yet i have a yearning. a yearning to have a right go at something, to do something a bit mad that will again drive me right out of my comfort zone.... i need to push the boundaries of a few things, to redefine the terms.
It's time for me to be a bit controversial again, to get a bit dangerous, to assert out world!!!!!!