Thursday, October 19, 2006

Shit happens

I really think the world is going daft, there is a major scandal on now because the national childrens hospital did not have the right screening procedures for Hep C in the early 90's, now i can understand a scandal if they had actually caused infections, but the only thing wrong (15 years ago) was a screening procedure.

The child protection bill which is going through the house of commons at the moment requires screening and a licencing system for all those who come in contact with children, either professionally or in a voluntary capacity, in otherwords the Brits have now decided that all grown up's are potential peadophiles and that all children should be scared of them....

all this reminds me of the movie the village, where the elders whip up poisonous fear and hysteria in order to maintain political control and keep everyone in line, if things keep going like this people will be afraid to go out thier front doors, creativity and adventure will be stifled and we'll all be walking round like crash test dummies and behaving like happy little consumers, i'm fecking sick of it anyway.

It used to be almost funny, this stuff about bogey men and pookas, but if this bullshit continues there will be no children out to play anymore, nobody to give blood, nobody to coach the underage sports team, nobody to take a stand on anything....i'm bloody sick of this consistant bad news and scaremongering,,,feckin sick of it.. you'd never notice would ya.

I even have a great idea for reducing road deaths, ban cars.... why do we have to live in a bloody world where people can't realise that "shit happens"? that people will be killed on the roads, that children will die, that mistakes will occassionally be made, i'm all for standards me, but if the level of regulation is strangling the life out of the people, where do we stop, there would be no drunken fights at night if we just imposed a curfew! no accidents without cars.. and no sporting peados if we banned all juvenile sports... sounds like afganistan or disneyland