Monday, October 23, 2006

The Sunday Indo....

Yesterday the Sunday Independent snuck into my house, Maggie was on the flight into Sligo and they give them away free on the plane, it's been a while since I've seen this quality broadsheet, so I thought I'd have a look to see what quality stories and political insight would be available.

Well page one had a remarkable article of massive consequence by Brendan O'Connor on the life and times of Fr. Brian Darcy..... and a political campaign to end stamp duty...ok i thought...there must be little happening this i turned to page three, which after all it is the key page on any broadsheet... wow.. lola cashman still has Bono's trousers... .. quick glance to page two... well would you look...four young men killed in monaghan...where will we hide that Aengus?....oh put it on page two...we have important stories about the lack of Brian D'Arcy's sex life and Bono's trousers for the main news pages... i really don't know what was in the rest of the paper, I have better things to do with me time (like wallpaper the garden fence)

I heard recently that Brendan O'Connor is being groomed as the new editor of the Indo... God help us!

I used to think it was a tabloid dressed up as a broadsheet, it's not, it's just mass market trash..... there's only one real use to which the Sunday Indo should be put, but i find the paper a bit hard and non absorbent!