Monday, October 16, 2006

ya lose one, ya gain one

This is my new niece Grace, she's very nice in the way that babys are very nice, if you lined up 7 babies in an identity parade and asked me to pick the same one twice...i would have a one in seven chance of getting it right. they all kinda look the same to me, but it is strange and wierd to look at the very beginning of a life, so quickly after being there for the very end of another.

Life is precious, in our society we certainly think it is, i witnessed enough resources being used to try and keep my father alive and wondered about it, here was a man who lived a smashing life, was now 81 and in serious trouble, and yet the time, drugs and medical expertise invested in his last few days would probably have kept a bombay clinic serviing hundreds open for a week. we certainly cherish the old in western society, i'm not saying that we should'nt by the way, i'm only asking the question,

but back to grace, the changes she will witness, my dad saw the introduction of the motor car and electricity, i saw the introduction of the computer and satalite communications, my daughter was about for the internet and the mobile communication explosing, god only knows what grace will be about for, the cure to cancer?, a muslim v christian world war? we have no idea (except that Fine Gael won't be in Govt much).. but it's exciting and i hope she enjoys it greatly, i'm sure she will, she has great parents (despite the Elvis

am in a pondery mood