Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A tenner in 1991?

You know all the lads who bought a house for 40'000 in 1991 and if they sold it today it would be worth half a million?

Well if you'd put a tenner on this in 1991, you deserve to be richer than Bill Gates, anyone would have laughed you out the door for even suggesting it, so fair play to Ian and Jeffery and Peter and even romping Sammy, it's unbelievable for this Island of ours to be able to look forward to intergration, equality, and freedom.

Now most of them won't know what to do with it all for a while, but in time i've no doubt it will be safe for Muslims to walk around Belfast, Ballymena and Portadown without worrying about whether they will be targetted as protestant muslims or catholic muslims.