Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Brand new day

A new day, a new pope, a new job............I know nothing about your man Joseph Rattzinger but I wsh him well, the same way I'd wish anyone starting of in a new job. I have a new client starting this morning, I'm well prepared and looking forward to it, there's only 3 people coming and they are testing my stuff so i have to be on top form but I've been up since just before 7 so I should be sharp.

Starting new things are always a bit interesting, I remember my first day at school, my first day at secondary school, my first day on several jobs, my first date with Maggie. Starting new things always brings me that buzzy mix of nervousness and excitement. I'd really hate a life where i didn't get to experience new people, places and experiences fairly regularly. Today i feel really grateful for the decisions I've made and the job I get to do, it might be a bit mad sometimes, it might be stressful and uncertain occassionally but lord it's never ever boring - I'm sure your man Rattzinger will find the same thing