Friday, April 29, 2005


god life is wonderful and mad, I've been so busy I've hardly had time to catch my breath the last few days, and it's going to continue. Have realised how much I dislike getting caught in traffic, just seems like a waste of time. A guy got shot dead in my town yesterday, broad daylight, we're not used to this sort of thing and yet what bothered most people (including me) was that the traffic was backed up for hours.

this whole drug / fued thing is miles beyond my understanding, I am fortunate but realise that what makes me most fortunate is the existance of hope, most of the young people who are caught up in this stuff simply have no hope in thier lives, and a life without hope becomes a very cheap life indeed, one you would be wiling to take astonishing risks with, I have always had this inkling to work with young people who see thier hope slipping down the tubes, perhaps it's something I need to pay more attention too.

after i get a little less swamped i suppose