Wednesday, May 04, 2005

so so busy

Not in my maddest dreams did I really believe that I would ever be as busy as I am at the moment, I really thought when I started this blog that I would have a few minutes each day to write it up, but that time is really difficult to find on many days, I have a long drive in the morning and am looking forward to using it to relax and to catch up on some phonecalls. I love the work but still get humoungous butterflies when I am either speaking to a new group or am not just as prepared as I would like to be. I'm really being pushed into practicing what I preach on time management. The stuff that's not on the list just does not get done.

My daughter has her big confirmation day on Sunday and we are so keen that everything will be as right as possible for her, we are having a big party in the house and I'm really looking forward to it, I have an early start next day so I will be the perfect host, next week is going to be really interesting, I will be dealing with new companies and new people and must see the downtime at night to get prepared whilst I'm away.