Wednesday, July 20, 2005


It"s a weird and wonderful life at the moment, Ive a lot of work on, a lot of work to prepare for, and a lot happening in all the other areas of my life.

Ive just been asked to tog out for the senior team on Sunday, I was not planning to be with them this year because I could not commit with the business and everything, but its lovely to be asked now, Ive gotten in 7 or 8 weeks good training and I am thrilled, I love being involved, feeling "part of" something.

Tomorrow night I have an All Ireland quarter final for the Roscommon over 40s, this is something else I have really enjoyed this year, it would be great to get to the semis of final in this, they are a good bunch of fellas and some of them are fifty years of age, its inspirational.

Today I have a day more or less in front of the computer, I have a presentation to a very big company tomorrow and its vital that microsoft publisher makes me look as good and experienced as I am, I often have doubt about these things, I know Im really good, and these guys have told me that they are sick of bringing in people from England to do this work, but I have to be on a par or better to get the work, and this stuff is all about perception, so I have to put in the work.

This blog is mainly written for my benefit, its gets stuff out of my head and into some kind of order, if you read it or stumble upon it, id love the feedback, but I try to write it with only myself in mind.

Finally I have to say a word about friends, they enrich my life so much, I have a wonderful family who are the cornerstones of my life, but a lot of the flavour and wonderfulness is supplied by my friends, human connectedness is such an important thing for me, when I have that I am so much happier, so much more content within my own skin.

I know my sister Caroline in Boston reads this sometimes (Hi Caroline), so I just wanted to throw in a few pics from the last couple of weeks.

This is Cathy with Malcolm X.

Joy (pigtails) messin as usual with her community games relay team

Maggie at home with a very thoughful looking carmel (her little girl Lily is so gorgeous)

Thats all for now.....catch you later!