Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Beware the Fundies!

Everywhere I turn this week I seem to notice the Christians taking over the world.....

The "Christian right" is surely the greatest oxymoron of them all.

If Jesus stood for anything he stood for social justice and forgivness, still we have these bible thumping arseholes all over the world hijacking Christianity to take advantage of people and propogate hatred.

There's a guy up north called Clifford Peoples, who was recently convicted of possession of pipebombs and distribution of inflammatory material. and you want to see the bould Clifford lepping and singing with his congregation.

And then you have this Bush guy, bombing the world in the name of the lord, and the other flutes bombing themselves in the name of Allah....

I have no bloody idea anymore, except to say that no one is perfect, and that those who think they have found the way, the ones who have "seen the light" they are the most dangerous of all.

Lord preserve me from fundamentalists.