Friday, June 17, 2005

What are you going to do about it?

They say women can multitask and men can't....... i'm not sure that multi tasking is all it's cracked up to be. have you ever tried to listen to a song and have a conversation at the same time? Or have you ever tried to have two telephone conversations at the same time. It's kinda impossible to do without focussing on one and letting the other one suffer.

Now we should not be in the business of making anybody suffer, least of all ourselves, therefore do one thing at a time, the trick here is not actually doing one thing at a time, the hard part is working out what really needs to be done now or next, and focussing on it without getting distracted by the 243 other things that need to be done.

We all have no problems doing the things we like doing, our motivation to do those things is high, but what about the stuff that we are not that motivated to do, but that will cause us a great degree of hassle in the future if they are not done.

I've had a pile of invoices that need to be entered on the system, this is a job i hate and keep putting off, doing anything else that's interesting in the meantime. the big problem is that nothing gets done unless somebody does it, and because I work on my own I have to delegate this job to myself, and while there are interesting people to be called and interesting articles to be written I keep procrastinating and putting the boring jobs on the long finger, and they are still there bothering me today, and will be tomorrow and next week, unless I do something about it.

And this is the key coaching question, we all know the answers for whatever it is in our own lives, What are you going to do about it? What I'm going to do right now is make a cup of coffee, and finish this blog and guess what, I can ask myself the same question on Monday next, and Tuesday next, and forever more until I either voluntarily do it, or someone forces me to.

I'll do it today!