Thursday, June 23, 2005

What the Bleep do we know?

Went to see "Bleep" last night, wow it's a hell of a challenging movie, it does not attempt to hide it's IQ and won't appeal much to paradise love island fans cos it's heavy going especially in the first half hour, but wow if you get to there with your head intact, then it's a hell of a ride thereafter.

The basic premise of the movie is that thoughts are things and that they control our emotions and consequently our behaviours. They build a strong arguement based on quantum physics but the most appealing part of the film is the change in the main character from being dependent on her "patterns" about herself and men and trust and pain and stuff - to developing a new freedom to be herself as she understood the power of her habitual thinking and dropped it in favour of new paradigms about herself.

I hugely enjoyed it and will be wearing the DVD out, there's so much interesting theory in the movie, maybe it's truth, maybe it ain't, but it appears to me to be as true as a lot of what masquerades as truth in humans. i.e God is great or Allah is great or Buddha is great.

You get to chosse your own truth, build your own reality, create your own destiny - not bad for a Wednesday night.

P.S ..... please go...if there's a funnier scene in any movie than the wedding scene in this i'd love to hear about it.