Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Jumping for Joy (and Cathy)


Today I feel incredibly grateful for all the stuff that adds up to my life.
I feel grateful for the body that has served me well regardless of how I abused it (and boy did I?)
I feel grateful for the mind that although muddles at times has brought me great clarity.
I feel grateful for all the "shit" in my life that has thought me the lessons I needed to learn and for all the difficult people that have informed decisions I have made about what's important in this life.
I am thankful for my family, my friends, my children, my work, my customers, my suppliers, my coaches and for you (whoever you are).

There's a terribly damaging misunderstanding out there of what it means to be an Optimist, people think we are just pollyannas who pretend to keep smiling no matter what rubbish comes our way. The major difference between optimists and pessimists is the way we view our lives.
Optimists understand that life is full of crap but we know that it will pass, that it's temporary and that we will be capable and happy again.
Pessimists believe that the bad stuff in their lives is both permanent and pervasive and they justify this by calling themselves "realists". It's bollix really, we all have strengths and weaknesses, good times and bad times.

I'm glad today that I can focus on what I have rather than what I don't have ......yet. I liked this presentation very much...have a look and see if it sparks off some gratitude in you.